Y.O.R. 04.14.2012:
List of Topics YOR 04.14.2012 (each video is 14min. 58 sec.)
YHWH Our Righteousness
Video 1
5:48 Acknowledging the Passover & the Feast of Unleavened Bread
When the beginning of the year was changed historically
14:15 The image of Nebuchadnezzar
Clay can’t mix with iron
Video 2
4:00 How YHWH is taking the wisdom and understanding from Esau
Protection is to the obedient of the law
7:15 Yisraelites are born not made
Yisraelites and any other people must turn to YHWH
Video 3
00:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:1-6
What a servant of YOR will not do
YHWH’s arm;YHWH is one; Deut 32 Moses song
Video 4
00:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:6-9
Seek YHWH and humble yourself
YHWH is He Who Creates alone
Substantiate the Book of Remembrance with history
Video 5
YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:9-15
Prophecies of YHWH telling the time we are in
The 2000+ years of captivity
We must seek YHWH early
6:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 6 Great forsaking in the midst of the land
7:50 Chicago Tribune Sunday Feb 19, 2012
10:20 Chicago Tribune Wednesday March 21, 2012
Video 6
1:50 strength of the 4th kingdom diversification
Chicago Suntimes Monday January 27, 2012 (Farrakhan, Esau’s puppet)
8:50 Chicago Tribune Monday January 27, 2012 (Farrakhan, Esau’s puppet)
10:50 Chicago Sunimes December 29, 2011 (Rival clergy in Bethlehem)
Chicago Tribune December 28, 2011 (Banks & Drug cartels)
Video 7
Chicago Tribune Wednesday January 18, 2012 (The European Rift Economics)
11:33 The Amalekite Bankers Rob the people economically, YHWH using the sword
Chicago Tribune Wednesday November 16, 2011 (JP Morgan Chase)
Video 8
1:38 Chicago Suntimes Tuesday December 6, 2011 (MF Global
4:22 Chicago Tribune Tuesday December 6, 2011 (MF Global)
5:45 Chicago Suntimes December 9, 2011 (MF Global)
The following articles substantiate YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:13 & YeremiYHWH (Jeramiah 50:37)
7:02 Chicago Tribune Wednesday December 28, 2011
8:02 Chicago Suntimes December 18, 2011
8:50 Chicago Suntimes December 16, 2011
9:14 Chicago Suntimes December 15, 2011
9:40 Chicago Tribune December 9, 2011
13:17 Chicago Suntimes December 11, 2011 (How the curse affects Yisraelites economically)
Video 9
00:40 Chicago Suntimes January 29, 2012 (The rising costs of everything)
2:37 Peter Novick: Esau’s obsession with the holocaust in the 60’s
How the brothers in Dimona left during the time
Esau can’t stop the word of YHWH
9:00 More diversification
Chicago Suntimes February 6, 2012 (Eddie Long)
12:16 Chicago Tribune Tuesday December 27, 2011 (Diversification in the land of Yisrael between the Edomites)
13:54 Chicago Suntimes February 5, 2012 (Jews, Christians praise new testament)
Video 10
00:04 How Esau celebrates Purim
New York Times March 9, 2012
Reflecting on the book of Ester
13:35 Chicago Suntimes April 11, 2012 (Stopping of the pro-Palestinian protest)
Video 11
00:50 Trayvon Martin Update
Remembering YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 53
2:54 Democracy Now informative shows
April 5 & 11 Kenneth Chamberlin
April 10 & 6 (Are men in Iran) (Bahrain in the dark)
8:00 YHWH making his judgment rest for light of the people
The national enquirer October (The tunnels under Las Vegas Nevada)
Video 12
The destruction of the daughter of Babylon YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 47
YHWH working through his sword
Numbers 24 Esau has the dominion
3:50 YHWH’s judgment
Video 13
People upset with the message
8:36 Chicago Suntimes November 13, 2011 (Mitt Romney)
9:40 Chicago Suntimes November 3, 2011 (MF Global loopholes)
9:48 Chicago Suntimes November 7, 2011 (USA Collapse)
Video 14
Esau doesn’t fit the prophecies of Yisrael
Esau’s double standards & hypocrisy
YHWH’s judgment on Esau
12:00 Substantiating that YHWH is the most high
Cyrus substantiated YHWH is the most high (Ezra 1)
Video 15
YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:9-12
3:00 YeshaYHWH 42:14-15
Chicago Tribune Sunday October 23, 2011 (Monsanto)
4:30 Chicago Tribune April 1, 2012 (GMO crops killing bees)
6:50 Chicago Tribune February 3, 2012 (The Drought)
Similar to the time of Ahab (YHWH sent EliYHWH)
People are mad upon their idols
11:50 Yourself before YHWH is idolatry
Example of governor Dawid (David)
No one can circumvent the law
Video 16
The good spell (gospel) is idolatry
1:40 Esau’s attack on consumer goods
Chicago Suntimes March 9, 2012 (hidden chemicals in products)
Esau’s full blown attack
9:00 Chicago Tribune March 7, 2012 (FDA attack on the people)
11:27 Chicago Tribune December 2, 2011 (The horse meat debate)
13:05 Chicago Suntimes December 11, 2011 (Sugar rich cereals)
Video 17
2:00 More economic distress
Chicago Suntimes December 6, 2011 (Baby boomers scant savings)
2:35 Chicago Tribune Wednesday January 18, 2012 (US loses 18% of high-tech jobs)
5:00 Chicago Suntimes February 3, 2012 (MF Global hurts farmers)
6:08 Esau’s attack on the food
Chicago Suntimes January 5, 2012 (FDA lies about antibiotics in meat)
7:15 Chicago Tribune March 7, 2012 (GMO salmon on the loose)
9:05 The prison industry in the US
In line with Michelle Alexander’s new Jim Crow
13:16 Substantiating YHWH’s word
Cyrus & the men of stature (YeshaYHWH 45:14-18)
Video 18
Historical account of the 10 tribes of Yisrael being taken by the kings of Syria
7:08 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:16-18
The bringing back of YOR
The waking up of the Yisraelites (YeshaYHWH 6 & 44, Daniel 12, Hosea 6, Ezekiel 37)
Video 19
5:08 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:19-20
7:41 YeshaYHWH 59:1-4
Video 20
YeshaYHWH 59:4-14
Video 21
YeshaYHWH 59:14-21
10:07 YeshaYHWH 42:21-25
Video 22
00:00 Is the 3rd day the 3000 years after the 2 days?
3:58 Where does speaking in tongues come from?
8:50 Weather Disasters
Chicago Suntimes April 11, 2012
10:30 Chicago Tribune December 9, 2011
12:10 Chicago Tribune April 2, 2012 (The curse and the effect on Yisraelite women
13:38 YHWHudah’s perception on the holocaust
Video 23
00:24 The meaning of the word Selah
YeshaYHWH 9:6 explained
Video 24
The situation with Zerubbabel and the building of the 2nd temple
YOR established in captivity
Video 25
Historical timeframe of Zerubbabel
The process of getting YOR incorporated
Video 26
YeshaYHWH 9:7 (The riddance of idolatry
8:17 Is YeshaYHWH 9:7 already here?
10:30 Thoughts on Yemen? Bahrain?
Video 27
3:30 Recall on tuna
6:00 Esau and his many different names
10:27 Esau mixing with the people
11:43 Did Esau mix with the Khazar to become the Ashkenazi Jews?
Video 28
3:27 Eating meat is in the law
Leviticus 11
Esau using food as a weapon (How Esau hooked Isaac)
Video 29
Remember to read, study, pray, do
YHWH Our Righteousness
Video 1
5:48 Acknowledging the Passover & the Feast of Unleavened Bread
When the beginning of the year was changed historically
14:15 The image of Nebuchadnezzar
Clay can’t mix with iron
Video 2
4:00 How YHWH is taking the wisdom and understanding from Esau
Protection is to the obedient of the law
7:15 Yisraelites are born not made
Yisraelites and any other people must turn to YHWH
Video 3
00:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:1-6
What a servant of YOR will not do
YHWH’s arm;YHWH is one; Deut 32 Moses song
Video 4
00:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:6-9
Seek YHWH and humble yourself
YHWH is He Who Creates alone
Substantiate the Book of Remembrance with history
Video 5
YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:9-15
Prophecies of YHWH telling the time we are in
The 2000+ years of captivity
We must seek YHWH early
6:00 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 6 Great forsaking in the midst of the land
7:50 Chicago Tribune Sunday Feb 19, 2012
10:20 Chicago Tribune Wednesday March 21, 2012
Video 6
1:50 strength of the 4th kingdom diversification
Chicago Suntimes Monday January 27, 2012 (Farrakhan, Esau’s puppet)
8:50 Chicago Tribune Monday January 27, 2012 (Farrakhan, Esau’s puppet)
10:50 Chicago Sunimes December 29, 2011 (Rival clergy in Bethlehem)
Chicago Tribune December 28, 2011 (Banks & Drug cartels)
Video 7
Chicago Tribune Wednesday January 18, 2012 (The European Rift Economics)
11:33 The Amalekite Bankers Rob the people economically, YHWH using the sword
Chicago Tribune Wednesday November 16, 2011 (JP Morgan Chase)
Video 8
1:38 Chicago Suntimes Tuesday December 6, 2011 (MF Global
4:22 Chicago Tribune Tuesday December 6, 2011 (MF Global)
5:45 Chicago Suntimes December 9, 2011 (MF Global)
The following articles substantiate YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:13 & YeremiYHWH (Jeramiah 50:37)
7:02 Chicago Tribune Wednesday December 28, 2011
8:02 Chicago Suntimes December 18, 2011
8:50 Chicago Suntimes December 16, 2011
9:14 Chicago Suntimes December 15, 2011
9:40 Chicago Tribune December 9, 2011
13:17 Chicago Suntimes December 11, 2011 (How the curse affects Yisraelites economically)
Video 9
00:40 Chicago Suntimes January 29, 2012 (The rising costs of everything)
2:37 Peter Novick: Esau’s obsession with the holocaust in the 60’s
How the brothers in Dimona left during the time
Esau can’t stop the word of YHWH
9:00 More diversification
Chicago Suntimes February 6, 2012 (Eddie Long)
12:16 Chicago Tribune Tuesday December 27, 2011 (Diversification in the land of Yisrael between the Edomites)
13:54 Chicago Suntimes February 5, 2012 (Jews, Christians praise new testament)
Video 10
00:04 How Esau celebrates Purim
New York Times March 9, 2012
Reflecting on the book of Ester
13:35 Chicago Suntimes April 11, 2012 (Stopping of the pro-Palestinian protest)
Video 11
00:50 Trayvon Martin Update
Remembering YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 53
2:54 Democracy Now informative shows
April 5 & 11 Kenneth Chamberlin
April 10 & 6 (Are men in Iran) (Bahrain in the dark)
8:00 YHWH making his judgment rest for light of the people
The national enquirer October (The tunnels under Las Vegas Nevada)
Video 12
The destruction of the daughter of Babylon YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 47
YHWH working through his sword
Numbers 24 Esau has the dominion
3:50 YHWH’s judgment
Video 13
People upset with the message
8:36 Chicago Suntimes November 13, 2011 (Mitt Romney)
9:40 Chicago Suntimes November 3, 2011 (MF Global loopholes)
9:48 Chicago Suntimes November 7, 2011 (USA Collapse)
Video 14
Esau doesn’t fit the prophecies of Yisrael
Esau’s double standards & hypocrisy
YHWH’s judgment on Esau
12:00 Substantiating that YHWH is the most high
Cyrus substantiated YHWH is the most high (Ezra 1)
Video 15
YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:9-12
3:00 YeshaYHWH 42:14-15
Chicago Tribune Sunday October 23, 2011 (Monsanto)
4:30 Chicago Tribune April 1, 2012 (GMO crops killing bees)
6:50 Chicago Tribune February 3, 2012 (The Drought)
Similar to the time of Ahab (YHWH sent EliYHWH)
People are mad upon their idols
11:50 Yourself before YHWH is idolatry
Example of governor Dawid (David)
No one can circumvent the law
Video 16
The good spell (gospel) is idolatry
1:40 Esau’s attack on consumer goods
Chicago Suntimes March 9, 2012 (hidden chemicals in products)
Esau’s full blown attack
9:00 Chicago Tribune March 7, 2012 (FDA attack on the people)
11:27 Chicago Tribune December 2, 2011 (The horse meat debate)
13:05 Chicago Suntimes December 11, 2011 (Sugar rich cereals)
Video 17
2:00 More economic distress
Chicago Suntimes December 6, 2011 (Baby boomers scant savings)
2:35 Chicago Tribune Wednesday January 18, 2012 (US loses 18% of high-tech jobs)
5:00 Chicago Suntimes February 3, 2012 (MF Global hurts farmers)
6:08 Esau’s attack on the food
Chicago Suntimes January 5, 2012 (FDA lies about antibiotics in meat)
7:15 Chicago Tribune March 7, 2012 (GMO salmon on the loose)
9:05 The prison industry in the US
In line with Michelle Alexander’s new Jim Crow
13:16 Substantiating YHWH’s word
Cyrus & the men of stature (YeshaYHWH 45:14-18)
Video 18
Historical account of the 10 tribes of Yisrael being taken by the kings of Syria
7:08 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:16-18
The bringing back of YOR
The waking up of the Yisraelites (YeshaYHWH 6 & 44, Daniel 12, Hosea 6, Ezekiel 37)
Video 19
5:08 YeshaYHWH (Isaiah) 42:19-20
7:41 YeshaYHWH 59:1-4
Video 20
YeshaYHWH 59:4-14
Video 21
YeshaYHWH 59:14-21
10:07 YeshaYHWH 42:21-25
Video 22
00:00 Is the 3rd day the 3000 years after the 2 days?
3:58 Where does speaking in tongues come from?
8:50 Weather Disasters
Chicago Suntimes April 11, 2012
10:30 Chicago Tribune December 9, 2011
12:10 Chicago Tribune April 2, 2012 (The curse and the effect on Yisraelite women
13:38 YHWHudah’s perception on the holocaust
Video 23
00:24 The meaning of the word Selah
YeshaYHWH 9:6 explained
Video 24
The situation with Zerubbabel and the building of the 2nd temple
YOR established in captivity
Video 25
Historical timeframe of Zerubbabel
The process of getting YOR incorporated
Video 26
YeshaYHWH 9:7 (The riddance of idolatry
8:17 Is YeshaYHWH 9:7 already here?
10:30 Thoughts on Yemen? Bahrain?
Video 27
3:30 Recall on tuna
6:00 Esau and his many different names
10:27 Esau mixing with the people
11:43 Did Esau mix with the Khazar to become the Ashkenazi Jews?
Video 28
3:27 Eating meat is in the law
Leviticus 11
Esau using food as a weapon (How Esau hooked Isaac)
Video 29
Remember to read, study, pray, do