List of Topics 08.05.2013 (5:25 min.) The five (5) Nations that have veto powers in the U.N. (10:56 min.) How the Church was established in 311CEAD (15:25 min.) “The Robbers of Mine Heritage” (22:40 min.)Deuteronomy 28:34“thou shall be mad at the sight of thine eyes” (25:50 min.) Israelites immersed into idolatry (37:15min.) “What is a Good Person” (46:20 min.) Stop saying that Jesus is the son of YHWH (47:40 min.) The four (4) Kingdoms of Man (48:45 min.) Amos 9:9 YHWH will sift the “House of Israel” away” (1:17:52 min) Proverbs 1-9How to acquire Wisdom & Understanding (2:49:40 min.) Current newspaper articles (5:58:45 min.) Free Phone Program